San Salvador celebrated its 80th year of existence in 2016. Initially founded by the Order of Dominican Sisters (Congregation of St. Catharine of Siena of King William’s Town) as a care facility for children with intellectual disabilities, it has over the years evolved and developed into a multi-professional registered non-profit organization which provides holistic services and programmes to its beneficiaries and the community as a whole.
San Salvador Home and Sally’s Workshop is registered with the Department of Social Development and the Department of Mental Health. We are regularly monitored and evaluated to ensure that the prescribed minimum standards and criteria are met in terms of standards of service delivery and operational and financial governance.
Registration number: NPO 001-277
The organisation is furthermore registered by SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) and has been approved for purposes of Section 18(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962.
Donations made to or by San Salvador (Home and Sally’s Workshop) will be tax deductible in the donors in terms of and subject to the limitations prescribed in Section 18A of the Act.
PBO number and Section 18A certificates are available and given to donors.
San Salvador (Home and Sally’s Workshop) is governed by the San Salvador Governing Board, consisting of representatives from the Dominican Congregation as well as elected members appointed annually at the organisation’s Annual general Meeting.

Ronelle Sartor
General Manager
Ronelle holds a Masters degree in Social Sciences and extensive experience in a variety of fields of services as well as in Organisational Management, having been director of a number of Non-Profit Organisations. She was appointed at San Salvador in January 2015 as General Manager.

O' Donell
Nursing Services Manager
Sr. Maureen O’ Donnell is a registered nursing sister with a BA (Nursing Sciences) degree obtained from UNISA in 1996. Since qualifying, she worked in several General Hospitals and Care Homes for the Elderly and people with special needs. She joined San Salvador Home in August 2015 as Nursing Services Manager.

Maintenance Manager
David Kometsi joined San Salvador in July 2002 and was promoted to the position as Maintenance Manager in 2015.

Manager of Sally's Workshop
In January 2024, Naomi was appointed manager of Sally’s Workshop, where she is responsible for raising awareness on disability, sourcing work, donations and funding. She has extensive experience in the disability field, having previously worked at The Living Link, and Kadimah Occupational Centre. She is passionate about shifting people’s perceptions around disability and continues to work towards creating a more inclusive society where everyone has the right to belong.

Back in the early 1930’s a need in the community was recognised to assist families with intellectually challenged family members
In response to this need, Mother General Augustine Geisel, from the Order of Dominican Sisters (Congregation of St. Catharine of Siena of King William’s Town), decided to establish a residential care facility back in 1936.
This facility called San Salvador Home and situated at the St. Mary’s Convent of the Sacred Heart in Hyde Park, housed and provided residential care and developmental activities and programmes for children with Down Syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. For many years San Salvador Home was staffed by the Dominican Sisters and only cared for intellectually handicapped children. However, as the children grew older and more specialised needs schools and facilities for disabled children were opened, the need for an adult residential facility became apparent.
San Salvador Home was then transformed into a residential care facility for adult women, aged 18 years and older. In 1962 the original building was extended and is now, since 1999, registered by the Department of Social Development to accommodate 58 residents.
In 2016, San Salvador Home celebrated and commemorated 80 years of loving life-long care.

Paul Ditchfield, well known actor, entertainer and member of the famous Bats Band took on the role of San Salvador Brand Ambassador in 2015.
He supports all our events and even rode for the San Salvador Ride for a Purpose Team in the 94.7 Cycle Challenge to help raise funds for San Salvador.