Your donations truly help support San Salvador and all our wonderful residents, without you we would not be able to do the work we do.
We Need Your Involvement & Contribution:
Being a non-profit organisation San Salvador relies on public and corporate support and involvement.
Support and assistance is needed can be given in so many ways:
Make a monetary donation to San Salvador by using the “donate now” button below or by obtaining our banking details from the General Manager/the "see details" button below.
Fulfill your company’s or business’s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) obligations by funding the organisation or its programmes and projects. San Salvador is a registered PBO and any donation made to the organisation is therefore tax deductible. Section 18A certificates are provided to donors.
Volunteer your time & services and visit our residents.
Provide an opportunity for recreational activities and outings for the beneficiaries.
Support our income generating projects and fundraising events (notification of events, functions and fundraising events are available under the “EVENTS” tab or on our Facebook page.
Click the below "Donate Now" button to be taken to our online donations page. From here we accept credit/debit cards and Instant EFT.
Click the below "See Details" button to download our latest banking details. These details will allow you to make a donation of your choosing to the relevant San Salvador bank account.
Volunteer your time or services to us and our residents. Click the "Contact Us" button below to get in touch with us about how or when you would like to volunteer your time or specific services.